Armor | Artifacts | Cursed Items | Intelligent Items | Potions/Oils | Rings | Rods | Staves | Weapons | Wondrous Items | Other

Belts | Body | Chest | Eyes | Feet | Hands | Head | Headband | Neck | Shoulders | Wrist | None/Other

Altars | Favors | Ioun Stones | Thrones

Mossy Disk (Normal) Ioun Stone

Source Pathfinder #122: Into the Shattered Continent pg. 20, Seekers of Secrets pg. 45
Aura strong divination and evocation; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight


This stone grants you a +5 competence bonus on checks with one Knowledge skill (chosen by the stone’s creator).


This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on Appraise checks.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fox’s cunning, creator must be 12th level; Cost 2,500 gp

Mossy Disk (Flawed) Ioun Stone

Source Pathfinder #122: Into the Shattered Continent pg. 20, Seekers of Secrets pg. 47
Aura strong divination and evocation; CL
Price 1,600 gp; Weight


This stone grants a +5 competence bonus on checks with one Knowledge skill (chosen by the stone’s creator) and imparts a –2 penalty to Constitution.


This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on Appraise checks.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fox’s cunning, creator must be 12th level; Cost 800 gp

Mossy Disk (Cracked) Ioun Stone

Source Pathfinder #122: Into the Shattered Continent pg. 20, Seekers of Secrets pg. 47
Aura strong divination and evocation; CL
Price 200 gp; Weight


This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on checks with one Knowledge skill (chosen by the stone’s creator).


This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on Appraise checks.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fox’s cunning, creator must be 12th level; Cost 100 gp